Friday, 7 November 2014

Hand Gestures. A simple Observation.

For some reason I watched this. I am not a fan of these so called evangelists and I am certainly not a fan of Billy Graham. I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying, it was his hand movements that reminded me of something I had seen in a documentary recently. His gestures reminded me of Hitler when he held his Nuremberg rallies. I am in no way equating Billy Graham to Hitler but I found it interesting that he used his gestures in a similar fashion.
Till next time.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

World Financial Armagedden. (Possibly)

There are still many people in the UK that think the Prime Minister David Cameron is failing in his job. That view could not be further from the truth, on the contrary, Cameron and his cronies plan is working perfectly. His policies are nothing to do with the betterment of the country and all to do with controlling the population within the country. One method used is to stop people being self reliant and to be provided for by the state. The fact that yesterday it was announced that 1,000,000 people in the UK which is the 6th largest economy in the world, now rely on food banks to be able to feed themselves and their family illustrates this policy of control perfectly. Another method of control was initiated by past PM Margaret Thatcher. She gave everyone renting council houses the opportunity to buy their house for a knock down price. On the surface this would seem to have been beneficial for the populace but, thousands of these people sold their house and made a large profit which they then used to purchase a larger house. By that time a house price bubble had been inflated and people found that they had to take out large mortgages to progress to a larger property. That was when Thatcher knew she had the people by the neck. Inflation was deliberately encouraged to rise and therefore interest rates on these mortgages rose dramatically. People started defaulting on the loans and losing their homes. Thousands became totally dependent on the state to provide a roof over their head. The only winners were of course the ruling elite who bought up these vacant properties at pennies in the pound. Cameron says now that our economy has turned the corner and a return to prosperity is in sight. There is only one thing wrong with that statement and, that is that it is a lie. The London stock market is booming and yet again the housing market is fuelling that boom. Another bubble is inflating but, when this bubble bursts it will be like being hit by a nuclear bomb. The whole world will suffer when this crash occurs. It won't be just London that collapses, every financial market throughout the world will be affected. Ponder that thought.
Thankfully people are waking up to what is and what could happen but, the awakening needs to speed up. People have to realise that it will be them that suffers and the 1% will carry on as normal. Wake up to that fact and it can be stopped.
Till next time.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

UK Gov. Lies, Scot. Independence, Ukraine and Hillsbourgh Anniversary Service.

I have a few things to mention this morning. First of all the UK government announced that for the first time in 7 years, wage rises outstripped price rises. Right away this is a complete load of rubbish because the figures were manipulated to exclude certain things like house prices. Yes, the house price bubble is inflating yet again. In London, house prices rose by £63,000 in the last year therefore, if you earn less that £63,000, houses in London are earning more that you are. Discretely hidden by BBC news was the fact that the number of people in this country (6th largest economy) being forced to use food banks has reached the 1,000,000 mark. Yes one million people now use food banks. Anyway, back to house prices. Numerous independent economists are predicting that if this housing bubble gets much bigger, the bang when it bursts will be far worse that the crash of 2006,07. This one will bring the whole house of cards that is the world economy to it's knees. Ponder that when you eat your lunch today.
The crisis in the Ukraine took a bit of a twist this morning when an armoured unit of the Ukrainian army changed sides and started flying the Russian flag leaving the temporary (unelected) Ukrainian government speechless. It took the BBC quite a while to come to terms with the story and then just carried on with the old Russian aggression propaganda story. Obviously more to unfold in Ukraine.
     The independence debate in Scotland carries on unabated with the "NO" campaign getting even more desperate. UK defence minister Phillip Hammond was up here yesterday scaremongering that defence jobs would go if Scotland became independent. When asked why? he mumbled something about "foreign country" and walked off the stage. Amazing, a defence minister not in the mood for a fight.
This morning, the LibDem secretary of state for Scotland was in Orkney, which just happens to be part of his own constituency, and he actually said that, and I quote, "A bad central government in Edinburgh would be just the same as a bad central government in Westminster." Whoops, which side of the debate is he actually on?
There are more stories coming out about child sex abuse in the UK. The public are becoming more and more impatient with the authorities attempts to cover it all up. Names are starting to come out of people in high places in society one of which is the now deceased LibDem MP Cyril Smith. people are now clamouring for his activities to be thoroughly investigated. Don't hold your breath. More on that at a later date.
To finish I must mention the memorial service held at the ground of Liverpool Football Club, Anfield Road, to mark the 25th anniversary of the Hillsbourgh tragedy in which 96 Liverpool fans died in a horrific crush on the terrace. I have to say that the service was very dignified and moving and a credit to the families of those who lost their lives. You will definitely never walk alone.
Till next time.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

A Downtrodden Society.

Yesterday in the UK, the chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne delivered his bi-annual budget speech. This was no ordinary speech. This was a speech designed to finally show us, and by us, I mean the vast majority of the population, what our standing in this country actually is. In a word, subservience. He mocked us by reducing the price of a pint of beer by one penny. That means that I would have to drink around 300 pints of beer before I got the benefit of the reduction. He also pandered to the "older" generation and in actual fact it was older women in particular by reducing the tax on playing bingo. If this wasn't so serious it would be quite funny. Our Conservative/Lib Dem government are now so convinced they have us where they want us that they are now out in the open about what they think of us. Cameron says that we deserve a referendum on whether we stay in the EU. The only thing about that promise is that if he can persuade the EU to abandon plans to further regulate the money markets in London he will abandon all plans for a referendum. We have a general election coming up in May of 2015 and there is one task that all Conservatives would love to see happen, and that is the complete sell off of the NHS. That would be absolutely disastrous for the people of England. The poorest in society would only have access to the very basic medical care. Fortunately, I live in Scotland and our devolved parliament runs the NHS in Scotland and it's functioning pretty good right now. In England however, the NHS is falling apart and it's falling apart by design. The government are deliberately destroying health care throughout England. The upshot and what this post was all about was to show the utter contempt that David Cameron and his Lib Dem lackeys have for the ordinary people of this country. They hate the very ground we walk on.
Till next time.