Tuesday 20 September 2011

Rupert Murdoch bribes society.

Rupert Murdoch has announced that he has agreed to pay £2 million to the family of Milly Dowler and also a donation of £1 million to charity. In effect he has successfully bribed his way to freedom. When and if he ends up in court for knowing exactly what went on at the NOTW, his lawyer will cite the fact that he has made these payments in the hope that the judge will look favourably on him and give him a lighter sentence that he would have received. Hopefully, the judge will see through this smokescreen and throw the book at him and his idiot of a son. I have read a few articles that imply that Murdoch has links to Mossad and also that he is in fact a citizen of Israel. Whether this can be substantiated is a matter of some debate. The fact that the allegation has been made means that even more thorough investigations will have to be carried out. I await the outcome with some interest.

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