Friday 30 September 2011

BBC News, Or, Lack Of News

The BBC have reached a new low in their lack of coverage of issues that we should know about. Anyone who relies on the BBC for their news will be quite unaware that over in New York City there is a huge protest going on. It is called "Occupy Wall Street" and hundreds, if not thousands of concerned people are taking part in it. The NYPD have not covered themselves in glory in their policing of the protest. There have been instances of women being herded into a taped off area and then indiscriminately spraying mace directly into their faces. Why? you may ask. No explanations have been forthcoming from New York's finest. There have also been numerous arrests, which have been carried out with maximum force. I have seen absolutely nothing on the BBC relating to any of this.
Libya is another ongoing story that has received scant attention for the last fortnight. This lack of coverage would lead you to think that the rebellion had ended. On the contrary, Gaddafi's forces are still holding on in numerous parts of Libya. There has been reports that a group of rebels confronted a family and asked for their names. Unfortunately, their name was Qaddafi, no relation, and they were all butchered on the spot. Was this covered by the BBC? No.
I watched question time last night, expecting to hear about events world wide. For twenty minutes of an hour long programme, the proposed rise in the UK speed limit took center stage. Pathetic. The trader who was interviewed the other night was mentioned and ridiculed for telling the truth. He had the downright cheek to say that traders don't care about what happens to our money when they go about their business. They just care about making money for themselves and their companies. If he had said that the Bank Of England ruled the world, instead of what he did say, that Goldman Sachs ruled the world, he probably would have been applauded by the pathetic bunch of weasels that the BBC had assembled as the panel.
To say that the BBC have not covered themselves in glory this past few days is a bit of an understatement. Now, if I want to see real news, I watch RT, Al Jazeera or the alternative media on the internet. They still have their agendas, but, it's a bit more balanced.
Till next time.

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